

Special Exhibition

Okinawa Bingata —Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Reversion of Okinawa to Japan

Sep. 4th (Tue)–Nov. 24th (Sat)

Soetsu Yanagi, founder of the Nihon Mingeikan, visited Okinawa in 1938 for the first time and was impressed with splendid works there. It is known that these works of Okinawa had become known to the public widely owing to Yanagi. Bingata, which Yanagi admired deeply and collected enthusiastically, is unique and magnificent textiles. On a fabric like cotton or ramie, stencil paper is put to resist with rice-paste and then various patterns are dyed with pigments. Here about 70 items out of 135 will be selected to be shown from the high quality museum collection like costumes with flowers, birds, the wind and the moon motifs and wrapping cloths with arabesque patterns.
The detailed information on associated exhibition is available in the leaflet.

From the exhibition



Mondays. (Except Holiday Mondays, closed the next day in this case)


Adults: ¥1,000 / Students: ¥500 / Jr.High and Elementary: ¥200

Museum Hours

10:00–17:00 (the ticket office is closed at 16:30.)

HOME ExhibitionOkinawa Bingata