

Special Exhibition

Dyeing Textiles of Samiro Yunoki patterns and colors

April 3rd (Tue)–June 24th (Sun), 2018

Samiro Yunoki (1922-) started his career as a dyer inspired by Soetsu Yanagi’s philosophy and Keisuke Serizawa’s stencil-dyeing works. Not only he has engaged in dyeing works, also focused on training the young. Various exhibitions have been held both in Japan and abroad, for example Guimet Museum of Asian Art, France. Thus, he still has kept producing new works actively. It is said that the ability to create patterns is getting weaker in the field of crafts today, but patterns and colors produced by Yunoki fulfil us as if water in a desert.

From the exhibition



Mondays. (Except Holiday Mondays, closed the next day in this case)


Adults: ¥1,100 / Students: ¥600 / Jr.High and Elementary: ¥200

Museum Hours

10:00–17:00 (the ticket office is closed at 16:30.)
Fridays open late until 19:00.

HOME ExhibitionDyeing Textiles of Samiro Yunoki